October Events
Lunch & Sunday School- October 1 from 12-2 pm
We are having once-a-month “Sunday School” for all ages. Join us for a lunch and discussion of the Bible and our Lutheran heritage after worship.
We meet the first Sunday of each month. After lunch, we will enjoy an intergenerational activity before the kids go to their classes for music, Bible stories, discussion, and crafts. This fall we will study “Together by Grace: Introducing the Lutherans“. Come join the fellowship and ministry together!
Fall class dates: Oct 1, Nov 5, Dec 3
Hooked on Love- October 7 from 1:00-4:00 pm
Beginners to experts are invited to join us the first Saturday of each month at 1 pm at Knit Dallas on Mockingbird. We’re making lap blankets, shawls, baby blankets and hats to share to various ministries. Come enjoy the fellowship while we work together for this special ministry.
Blessing of the Animals- October 7 at 1:00 pm
All well-behaved and vaccinated animals are invited to receive a blessing outside in our Labyrinth on Saturday October 7 at 1pm. Please use the proper carrier or leash for the safety of all participants. We let this day be a reminder to cherish all of God’s creation, including our fellow animals. This event will be held in conjunction with Emanuel Lutheran. There will also be a pet costume contest if your animal would like to dress up.
Council Meeting- October 8 at Noon
The council meets on the second Sunday of the month. All are welcome at every council meeting.
Lydia Circle- October 9 at 7:00 pm
Lydia Circle meets on the second Monday of every month in the church library at 7:00 pm. Any women who wish to join are welcome.
Dining Around- October 14 at 5:30 pm
The next “Dining Around” will be at Tony’s Pizza and Pasta (10233 Northwest Hwy., #504, Dallas 75230). They serve pizza, but also have great Italian pasta dishes. This restaurant is BYOB, but has no corkage fee. Contact Ylva Wolfgang to sign up.
Reformation Fair- October 29 from 11:45-2:00
Celebrate the Protestant Reformation with us and learn what it was like to live in 16th century Germany. German brats and desserts will be provided as well as candy and a bouncy castle for the kids. We will have a silent auction benefitting Lutheran World Relief. This event is for all ages. All are welcome!