April Events

Spring Festival- April 1

Co-hosted with the Bethany Child Development Center, Central is hosting a Spring Festival on April 1st. We will have face painting, games, and even an egg hunt. All are welcome.

Holy Week

Palm Sunday: Worship at 10:30 am

Maundy Thursday: Worship at 7:00 pm

Good Friday: Worship at 7:00 pm

Easter Sunday: Breakast at 9:00 am, Worship at 10:30 am, egg hunt after worship

Dining Around- April 8 5:30 pm

Every other month, Central members gather at a new restaurant in East Dallas. This month, we are meeting at Tricky Fish on Walnut Hill.

Church Council Meeting- April 16 at noon

The church council meeting takes places after church, in person. All are welcome to attend.

Lydia Circle

Lydia Circle meets on the second Monday of every month in the Parish Hall at 7:00 pm. Any women who wish to join are welcome.

Video Bible Study- April 25 6:30 pm

Central hosts a video-based bible study on the last Tuesday of the month. The curriculum we use is “The Chosen”, which looks at historical figures from the Bible.

Game Night- Apri 13 6:45 pm

We meet for game night on the second Thursday of the month in the Parish Hall. Bring your favorite card or board game.

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