March Events
Wednesday Night Soup Suppers and Worship
Wednesdays in March, we will have Lenten soup suppers and worship. Supper will be at 6:15 and Worship will start at 7:00. Lent is a time for deepening our connections with the communities that surround us. Using readings from Mark’s gospel, this series invites you all to reflect on what it means to be in community with one another, with the world, with creation, and with God.
Lydia Circle- March 13 7pm
This group is open to any women who wish to join. They meet on the second Monday of every month at 7pm in the Parish Hall.
Biblical Seminar – March 20-25 8am – 5pm
White Rock Seventh Day Adventists are hosting a week-long theological course that Central members can attend for free. The course will be led by Pastor Stephen Bohr in our sanctuary. The course consists of 24 hours of intensive study and is accompanied by full study notes. In our class we will study in detail some of the minor prophets that are closely linked with the book of Revelation. Among those are Habakkuk, Nahum, Joel and Jonah. We will also study portions of the major prophets that are developed in the book of Revelation such as Jeremiah 4, Isaiah 24-27, 36-38 and Ezekiel 38, 39, among others. But this is not all, we will also compare God’s perspective of prophecy and ours as well as prophecies that are rarely considered, such as the typological meaning of the cities of refuge, the glory on the face of Moses as he descended from the mount, and the typological parallels between the building of the Jerusalem wall by Nehemiah and our parallel work today. Don’t miss this once-in-a-year experience of study, fellowship, and prayer.
For more information please visit
Free Blood Pressure Checks- March 26 after church
We would like to invite you all to participate in a blood pressure measuring event that we will be
hosting at the church. This event is a great opportunity for you to get your blood pressure checked and
to learn more about how to maintain healthy blood pressure levels.
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition that can lead to serious
health problems such as heart disease and stroke. However, many people are unaware that they have
high blood pressure because it often has no symptoms.
The blood pressure measuring event will take place on March 26th after worship at the church. The
event is free and open to all members of the church community, so please feel free to invite your friends
and family members to join us as well!
Paula, a retired RN, and the leader of our Al-Annon group, volunteered to measure your blood pressure
and answer any questions you may have about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Video Bible Study- March 28 6:30pm
Central hosts a video-based bible study on the last Tuesday of the month. The curriculum we use is “The Chosen”, which looks at historical figures from the Bible.
Game Night- March 30 6:30pm
We meet for game night on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Bring your favorite card or board game.