December Events

Soup Suppers and Vespers on Wednesday Nights

Advent is upon us. Our Wednesday night services will be on December 7 and 21. We will have soup supper at 6:15 in the Parish Hall followed by evening vespers at 7:00 in the Chapel. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors from the community. Be sure and come and enjoy the fellowship and mid-week spiritual recharge as we prepare for the arrival of Jesus together. Bring a friend (or two) with you!

1920s Christmas Radio Show Wed. Dec. 14

You don’t want to miss the “WCLC Show”. It will be live in our sanctuary at 7:00 pm on Wednesday December 14. A soup supper will precede the show in the Parish Hall at 6:15. As part of our 100-year celebration, Paul Chambers has created a unique and special program set in 1922 as a Christmas Eve radio broadcast.

Bethany Christmas Program Thurs. Dec. 8

The kids at the Child Development Center at the Bethany campus are putting on a show for us at 11 on Thursday, December 8 in the Sanctuary at Bethany. We will go to Alfonso’s for lunch following.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Sat. Dec. 24

Join us for a Christmas Eve service like no other. Starts at 7:00 pm on December 24 in the sanctuary. All are welcome!

Christmas Day Service Sun. Dec. 25

Our Christmas Day service will be a regular Sunday service with worship and communion starting at 10:30 am on December 25 in the sanctuary

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