July 2021
Summer time is still a busy time! In between road trips and family time, we are busy at church!
Lunch with Church Council – July 11
Schedules didn’t work out to allow us to meet after church in June – join the church council members after worship on Sunday, July 11 to get the scoop on how things are going on a variety of current activities like the merger with Bethany, call committee, etc and ask any questions you may have or share your hopes/vision for upcoming events and future dreams for Central.
Lunch will be provided!
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This is already our Forth Annual Back to School Bash! This has been such a great event and a big help for the children and families in our community! We will be gathering school supplies, based on school lists from our immediate local schools, and filling backpacks to hand out. We have a Sign-up Genius list available if you’d like to register directly for school supplies you plan to purchase to help us know what is being purchased and help others know where the needs are: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c044caeac2ca13-2021
Please bring items to the church no later than July 31st. If you aren’t sure what to get, monetary donations are welcome and we can do the shopping for you! You are welcome to drop your contribution in the offering plate, church office or your usual electronic means and make a memo that it is for the “back to school bash”. Our goal again this year is for at least 200 backpacks full of school supplies for all ages Pre-K through high school.
This year will again be a drive-thru event and we’ll have an opportunity to assemble the backpacks the weekend before they are distributed. We could use a dozen or so volunteers the day of the event to help direct traffic and manage the bags. Contact Alesia Pearson or Amy Brown if you have questions or can help the day of the bash.
Unfortunately, VBS is cancelled for this summer for a variety of reasons/circumstances. We’ll hang onto the materials and plan to hold a great VBS next summer!