Advent & Christmas Seasons – 2020 style

We enter the season of Advent and prepare for Christmas in different and sometimes frustrating ways this year. Thanks to the continued pandemic, we find ourselves still sheltering in place, isolated, unable to meet together inside our beautiful sanctuary for worship. The good news – God is with us, faithful and ever present, strengthening us through our times of trials. As the people of Israel found themselves wandering in the dessert and set up a tent as a Tabernacle and later found themselves in exile in Babylon and struggled, as accounted in Psalm 137, to “Sing the Lord’s song in a foreign land”, we find ourselves struggling with worshiping in a different way. Unlike the Israelites, we don’t have the comfort of physically gathering together; but, we can gather in our parking lot to see each other as we listen to the worship service over the radio or we can participate in worship in our own homes with the service on Facebook – and see names of others who are worshiping live with us. There can be comfort and renewal in *that* community, knowing we are still worshiping together. We continue together in spirit and in love and will celebrate the day we can be physically together. This Advent & Christmas season, all are encouraged to join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm on Facebook for Holden Evening Prayer vespers and Sunday morning worship. We will worship at 7:00pm on Christmas Eve, still on Facebook – but together in spirit.


We continue to support and partner with White Rock Center of Hope, and the need is even greater. Food donations and toys or winter coats/gloves/hats can be dropped off in the box by the choir room entrance or contact the church office (214-327-2222) or Alesia Pearson (214-215-7670) to schedule someone to pick it up from your home or do the shopping for you.

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Colby Jones is selling prints of some of his artwork as a fund raiser for the Prayer Garden. You can see the artwork selection and get details on his website:   You can also email him to order a picture or ask questions:


Be watching for the new flowerbed going into the community garden out back! Katherine Koble has chosen to put in the pollinator garden by the community garden as her Gold project for Girl Scouts. Thank you Katherine! We look forward to seeing the beautiful garden!

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