August, 2020 – August already?!
For being such a strange summer, it seems to have gone by pretty fast! While we have not been meeting in person, we have been continuing to “gather” together to worship online! Many groups, including council, Bible studies, Lydia circle, Hooked on Love knitting/crochet ministry, and more have been meeting by Zoom. It’s been a great way to stay in touch, see each other, and support each other while we haven’t been able to physically meet.
Our Administrative Assistant, David LeVasseur, is in the office Monday-Friday, 8am-noon and is available if you have any questions or needs. 214-327-2222 or by email: Pastor Truhan is available by phone or email ( or 469-580-1080)
Our Executive Committee and Congregational Council continue to meet regularly and are working on detailed plans and procedures when we are able to safely worship together in person again. We are closely watching the amount of active Covid cases in our county and immediate community and will wait to gather in person when the numbers are declining and the infection rate/risk is lower. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to set a date for that but hope it will be sooner rather than later!
Pastor Truhan has begun a Wednesday evening Bible Study with a Faith Formation theme – contact Pastor or the church office for the Zoom link! Marlys Wing will be leading the Tuesday Morning Bible Study at 10AM on Tuesdays starting after Labor Day – on Zoom. They will be studying the book of Joshua – contact Marlys or the church office if you’d like a book to join in.
We continue to collect non-perishable food items for White Rock Center of Hope and have been delivering those weekly.
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We are now collecting school supplies to be handed out at our Back to School “bash” on Saturday, August 29 – 8am to noon (or while supplies last). We won’t be able to do our full “Bash” as we’ve done the last couple of years. At this modified, non-contact event, we’ll have a drive-thru area for families to drive up. They will stay in their cars and grade level supplies will be put in the trunk/back of their cars. All our volunteers will be wearing masks and keeping distance from each other as much as possible. School supplies will be accepted now thru August 22. We are on Sign up Genius for a supply wish list
Supplies can be dropped off at the supply box at the entrance by the choir room or at the following member homes:
738 Kirkwood Dr, Dallas, 75218 203 Green Canyon Dr, Mesquite, 75150
4823 Ellensburg Dr, Dallas, 75244 6121 Rincon Way, Dallas 75214
Continue your phone calls, cards, and prayers – we are here for each other and will get through these challenging days together!
Romans 8:39, CSB: “nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”