Easter is Coming!
The budding trees and spring flowers may be a bit confused about the season thanks to our crazy Texas weather – but WE know what is coming! Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on February 26th. We have some new and exciting opportunities this spring! We continue to grow our East Dallas Ministry, partnering with our neighbors Bethany Lutheran and First United Lutheran as we share the love of God in our community. We will be partnering together to share our traditional Wednesday evening Lenten services – see the detailed schedule below. We will take turns hosting events and all the Holy Week services will be here at Central.
We will once again have some first-Saturday work days at the church as we do some spring cleaning and outdoor work in March, April & May and look forward to our first Saturdays in the summer for cook-outs and fun time together! And save the date for VBS July 13-17!
Ash Wednesday Feb 26 – Combined services at First United Lutheran (6202 E Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75214) at 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
Ashes To Go! – New this year – Are you not available at the worship times? Would you like to take a few moments for a special blessing and receive ashes on your way to work? Drive by the church and Pastor Truhan will be out front to greet you, share a few words, and provide a blessing with ashes. You don’t even have to get out of your car! Pr Truhan will be available out front 8 am – 8 pm.
Wednesday evening soup suppers and vespers: 6:00 pm meal, 7:00 pm vespers
March 4: at Central Lutheran
March 11: at Bethany Lutheran: 10101 Walnut Hill Ln, Dallas, TX 75238
March 18: at First United Lutheran: 6202 E Mockingbird Ln, Dallas, TX 75214
March 25: at First United Lutheran
April 1: at Bethany Lutheran
Saturday, March 7:
10:00 am – noon – Work day at the church! Weather permitting, we’ll do some bush trimming and work outside! We’ll also do a little extra cleaning inside so our space will be extra special for Nich & Kathleen’s wedding the following week!
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1:00-2:30 pm – Hooked on Love! Our knitting & crochet ministry continues as we support each other in learning various techniques and create shawls, lap blankets, baby blankets and caps for babies & adults. This is a wonderful, supportive and uplifting group that will help you with more than just knitting! Come join us! Do you quilt or do other types of projects instead? Bring those along and share what you’re doing!
Sunday, March 22, 10:30 am worship – our choir will be providing a special Choral Lenten Meditation during the worship service. Bring your friends and neighbors to enjoy and be blessed by this special music during our time of Lent.
Saturday, March 28, 6:00 pm – Come join the Feast and Fun of our all-you-can-eat Fish Fry & Bingo Night! (there are also chicken strips for those who are not a fan of fish!) This is always a fun night hosted by our youth and is a fund raiser for them to help fund their summer mission trip! Tickets will be available beginning the end of February.
Holy Week:
Palm Sunday, April 5: We’ll gather outside the sanctuary at 9:45 am to prepare for our parade of palms through the neighborhood. And a special treat this year – bagpipes will lead the way! All are welcome to come join us in this special event!
Maundy Thursday, April 9 – 7:30 pm our traditional communion service held jointly with Bethany and First United.
Good Friday, April 10 – 7:30 pm join us for a Tenebrae service; a service of darkness following the final words of Christ.
Easter Vigil, April 11 – 7:30 pm come celebrate this first service of Easter!
Easter Sunday, April 12! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!
9:00 am our youth will provide an all-you-can-eat breakfast complete with pancakes, french toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, and fruit!
10:30 am Celebrate the resurrection of our living Lord!