January 2019 – Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year!
We’re welcoming in 2019 with many opportunities for growth, service and fellowship!
January 6 – Epiphany Sunday, special guest Pastor, Kris Totsky. Pastor Totsky works in the Synod office as Bishop’s Associate for Leadership Formation and Congregational Care and will be providing the sermon this Sunday.
January 12 – join us for fellowship from 9:00-11:00 AM as we help UN-decorate the sanctuary. It always is so beautiful for Christmas but, as we do in our own homes, time to put things away until next Christmas.
January 12 – 6:00 pm, Epiphany Organ Vespers. Dr. Harold Knight enjoyed playing our new organ so much at Christmas he wanted to do something very special! Join us for a special vesper service including organ, liturgy, and choral music of the season!
Organist Harold Knight
Pastor Richard Pounds, Liturgist
The Sanctuary Choir
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Max Reger
J.S. Bach
Dieterich Buxtehude
Martin Luther
Harold Knight, organist, is graduate of University of Redlands, California, where he studied organ with Delbert Disselhorst, and was a student of Gerhard Krapf. He received his PhD from the University of Iowa, and later served as Chair of the Department of Music at Bunker Hill Community College, Boston Massachusetts. Dr. Knight is a recently retired Professor of Rhetoric at Southern Methodist University; he is currently tutoring SMU athletes. He has served as church organist wherever he has lived–most recently serving as organist of St. Paul Lutheran, Farmers Branch. He also teaches English as Second Language at the Aaberg Center. In his “spare time” he practices on the Steuart Goodwin tracker pipe organ, Opus 1 in his home!
January 13 – immediately after worship, our church council will provide a meeting for review and discussion of our current version of the budget for 2019. The budget will be made available in the week prior to the meeting for review. There will not be a vote at this meeting, just information and Q & A discussion.
January 20 – Brunch Bunch! Those who would like to gather for lunch will meet in the parlor immediately following worship. We’ll then caravan to a nearby restaurant for lunch & fellowship. All are invited & welcome!
Looking ahead: February 10 – chili & dessert cook-off immediately after church along with discussion and vote on the final budget proposal for 2019.