Home for the Holidays – Christmas 2017

Come on home for the holidays!

Advent Soup Suppers Wednesdays Dec 6, 13, and 20: 6:00 soup supper, 7:00 vespers

Sunday, Dec 3: 10:30 worshipSing Noel, a special service of Lessons & Carols with a 100+ strong mass choir from 5 North Texas colleges, handbell choir, brass choir, special organ music – – come early for the handbell prelude at 10:25!

Wednesday, Dec 6 – Live Nativity at 7:00pm presented by our youth in costume – youth/children in the neighborhood are welcome to join in! We’ll go back inside afterward for hot chocolate and cookies!
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Sunday, Dec 10: 10:30 worshipSleepers Awake!  A Bach Cantata, Wachet Auf, ruft uns die Stimme, presented in German by our Sanctuary choir and Brookhaven College Madragal singers and orchestra.

The Cantata will also be performed at 3:30 pm a the Dallas Museum of Biblical Art across the street from Northpark Center – admission is free when you mention you are there for the Central Lutheran choir

Christmas Eve, candlelight service – 7:00 pm; come early (6:40 pm) for special music provided by various youth performers from the church including solos and small ensembles (we will also have our usual 10:30am morning service that morning)

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