Education: Adults & Youth

Central Lutheran Church offers many opportunities to learn more about the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday School – Lunch, Learn & Grow!

Sunday school is available for all ages 2.5 year old to 100! We currently have a multi-generational study the third Sunday of each month immediately after worship: we share lunch together in the Parish Hall, have a brief intergenerational activity, then split to an adult study class and a children’s class. The children’s class includes music & crafts in addition to Bible story discussion. We come together again for a combined closing. Come join us as we Lunch, Learn, and Grow together!

Tuesday Morning Bible Study

This group meets in the conference room at 10:30 each Tuesday morning (September to May) to study God’s Word. Leadership of the sessions is rotated among several members of the group. The group studies specific books of the Bible as well as the Biblical perspective on topics of interest to them. You do not have to be a member to join our Bible study.

Lydia Circle

Lydia Circle is a women’s group that meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the conference room for refreshments, business meeting, and Bible study which is led by a circle member. Lydia Circle has annual fundraisers to benefit various church programs. The circle has several social gatherings, such as a retreat at a member’s lake house, Christmas party, or other activities with the entire circle members and their families.

Vacation Bible School

Our Vacation Bible School will take place on June 23-27 from 9:00 am to noon. For more information and to register, visit our VBS page.

Church Library

We have two libraries – one with more in-depth religion/theology and church history books with a variety of Bibles, commentaries, and study helps; the other is a children’s library that includes a parenting section. Both contain a collection of books and other resources to assist with growth in Christian faith and congregational life. The children’s library also includes general fiction and non-fiction works, chapter books, resource/reference materials, dual-language, and more! A growing video library, particularly for children, the features Holy Scripture and various lectures and topics are all available to be checked out.

The library operates under a self-checkout policy. After items are selected, the check-out card in the front pocket may be signed, dated, and placed in the checkout file in the library.

Special Classes and Sessions

Confirmation Class

The Confirmation Program is the in-depth study of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions and the Sacraments for maturing youth. The two-year program generally starts in the seventh grade year, with the day of Confirmation coming after the second year.

First Communion Instruction

First Communion Instruction is offered to children 10 years of age or older. This short-term class is taught by the Pastor whenever there is need.